Thursday, October 7, 2010

Watch Kutumb Episode 5 Online


Cher Thomas Meyer,

Votre papier sur l'improvisation et fait du bruit, comme vous conditions Do, provoque la contradiction.
Votre texte ne met pas en doute l'existence de l'improvisation en elle-même: il definite de manière très complète tous les aspects, ainsi that the history of the practice of improvisation.
But the fact of announcing the end of free improvisation, Switzerland, is to give some slight posture ... the judge or the prophet (?).
multiple reactions generated by your text show that the subject is sensitive. All the better if it raises debate and reflection, but I think the improvisers and musicians (in general) have never ceased to "think" their art. What they want now more than ever, fully exist on stages here and abroad.

Yours To ask
Eric Gaudibert


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