Sunday, October 10, 2010

Casual Attire For Evening


, Switzerland acts as a flowering soundscape

obituary of a slightly premature obituary

The new dissonance with the claim to be international (as her anglicized name) in modern way and wants to continue to remain true to their credo: to prescribe the critical support of music making, instead of peering at the quota. They want independence and to afford the audience a little credit for. Instead it wants to sell information, instead of praise, question by "DRS2aktuell» Corinne Holtz-editor. So far, so good: soi-disant,
dissonant soi.
The latest number of dissonance with the ominous, clean punched out numbers one-eleven made me especially happy: finally have some provocative statements! First we must of Fred Frith improvisation as teachers (p. 10), forward the secret anarchists Alfred Zimmerlin (p.18) and the criticism of the new triangulation album "Whirligigs" (p. 80), we find on page 4, that improvisation this country is actually dead long ago. Perhaps we've landed in the wrong movie, everything (is) a fatal mistake, and we have never even lived? A case for Jack Sparrow and his pirate crew necrophiliac?
[Vamp 1]
The Catalan filmmaker Luis Bunuel added at the end of his autobiography, "Mon dernier soupir" expressed the modest desire to leave once a year his grave to be able to walk to the next stand, then read in the newspapers, what humanity again perpetrated for disgusting things has to be able to be grateful to get back into the vault. Gabs on newsstands this time to buy, our industry magazine. Ran to the reading in masochistic rituals and stubborn Groove-track search, we're extemporal and asynchronous practiced.
The author Thomas Meyer - the mitbefindet same time as Pro Helvetia Foundation over the fate of improvising musicians - taught us then about his view of the Swiss improv scene, and wherever he looks, he is decay, decadence, zappaesque musty smell and an apocalyptic atmosphere laid. A future for the moribund patient is the way in the subtitle "The past and present a fleeting art form" does not already provided. The grave is dug before the text begins.
Besides the fact that a large portion of the article Sun backwards reads as if the last 30 years would have never happened, his anachronistic horizon, the nostalgic cultural pessimism and the narrow lane perspective, there are some fundamental misunderstandings, which we Bunuel zombies but still want to say something before we return to the grave.
[Solo 1]
"This free improvised music is .... in this June 22, almost established. They used to be by no means ..." (About a concert in the WIM Zurich). Thought was worthy not only of this event, but also of the author's attempt here to postulate a turning point, as if one had previously flourished un-established improvisation, "while today the establishment at work imagines. The fact is that there is always a matter of life and death goes on stage, whether we play from notes, with or without concepts, and established itself has in recent decades than the half-life or the life of live recordings, never the music itself The interactive sound experience in itself, whether improvised or composed komprovisiert, like everything Sounding a volatile gas, which escapes all reification.
[Riff 2]
"Free improvisation is music that is like over time, which makes their immediate expiration date of compositional attitude."
In fact, time is a central dimension of the music - any music, even the (never-term) free improvised. But on-time? At this reef trap are already wrecked much larger frigates ... may be so seductive
alignments with transcendent vector, we are aliens but reliably from the gravitational force of the finite sought, and a stone is left unturned. Even the "immediate" expiration date obeyed in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (and certainly in the global download supermarket) all other laws - who could this have an expiration date on the latest music do reliably predict? Free improvised music is just so far as it stays open.
[collective improvisation 3] Had
example of producer Teo Macero the 12 minutes of additional track recordings of Miles Davis emerged a whole album would be "In a Silent Way" (1969) never arose. And would sound engineer Andreas Bruell not mentally currently hold the record button to capture Bruno Amstad vocal vocal outbreak would have "Bizarre Bazaar", the title track to "Whirligigs" (2010), never seen the light of the digital world sees. About Time was not for a scrupulous selection process, from the Christy Doran and I distilled out then two weeks later, three and a half hour and a quarter of music, guaranteed without consultation, it was a guaranteed unguaranteed expiry period.
[Solo 3]
"It shows here that the development of the material is by no means come to an end."
[Impulse 4]
Yes, wasdennsonst, howling all hell hundred thousand dogs? Why should "the material" another half-life inherent in us as a mortal? Nor, as we can not rise twice in the same river, the material remains available, it is evolving constantly, with or without our help. For music, the material is only when it is perceived, and, as Wolfgang Rihm executed in tended carefully to listeners who otherwise die every sound namely, the moment he has left the instrument in the eyes of the audience a hero. We are very temporary tenants, transient users, converters, at best, explorers, often surfers and not infrequently to storm victims of the material that we let slip through our hands without moving it each hold or even understand, and never owners. In rare moments by lightning strikes, and a few carbon atoms appear in a new molecular context.
[Vamp 2]
So what?
[Solo 4]
"Anyone who leaves out theoretically in this field, must learn to avoid the reputation of the dogmatist."
[Revamp 3]
such an open attitude would queue the music criticism in general good. In free improvisation should be a constitutive element. André Thomkins has brought this cryptic in his palindrome to the point: "dogma - I am God"
[Riff 5]
"There are musicians who still refuse or adorn, to talk about their music,"
[Impulse 6] herauszulesen
This silence is a general paralysis of the matter over - finally, there is also silent architects and sculptors, surgeons, and bridge builders, so that someone without the same ring the death knell heard. More important are the voices that rise up from the silent majority, and the same number dissonance brings with it - Frithseidank - straight to the next string a shining example eloquently.
[Solo 7]
"Thinking about improvisation is still used ..." (there are some zutode cited examples of the same old informants)
[collective improvisation 5]
After all, trust us on this dictum, the ability to think, to an activity but else can be operated only academically, complete with interim reference and bolognakompatiblem master's degree.
The basic problem of the academic world is that they are most like themselves reflected, and so the internal working groups often promote nothing but circular reasoning and self-fulfilling prophecies on inbred glossy paper. Why the spirit of "social relevance" automatically at universities, Conferences and symposia suspected? Would grassroots initiatives such as the WIM, the Cave12, the spiral, the Improvisorium, the Mullbau dependent self-referential of the superstructure, they would today still ponder over statutes, status and well-paid staff positions, rather than voluntarily to open free wild open spaces.
[Solo 8]
"What happens when the word in the music penetrates ...?"
[Revamp 4]
Again such an (unintentionally erotic?) Body that cause most currently active musicians probably just shake their heads is. At least since Cathy Berberian, rather since the cave songs of our ancestors, we know that the voice also can be a tool, while the instrumentalist a lifetime struggling to be a voice. Had Thomas Meyer, the program pago libre "platzDADA!" Proclaimed the dogma of freedom elsewhere can work on you, he would have the difference between "meeting" and "merger" may perceive differently. Border Crossings "on the way to the nonsense" are certainly not the exclusive domain of the word. And besides, a very active slam poetry scene has proven for years that very well may be improvised with words.
[Reprise 4]
"Free improvisation has mastered their craft, embarking on unknown territory, it has behind it, the venture, if it is not gone, yet predictable. "
become With all due respect, this is nonsense verschwurbelter how it would attempt it, the Dadaists never makes free. Neither can this job be more "managed" (Walter is quite different, inter-subjective and powers), nor can a departure into unknown territory will ever put behind them (they were never really un-known), is still a risk for the metering -.. or even predictable Each calculation is based on firm size, the curse and blessing of free improvisation is the very fact that each major variable and any variable at any time can vanish only to reappear in another, unexpected place again. The risk can not disappear because it was never the same and always there. To paraphrase a concentric comparison: only the narrowly targeted next arrow hits the mark. The venture is more like a nis-Waag, a precarious Un / balance, a precario equilibrio. And as we know since the financial crisis that forecasts are difficult, especially when they involve the future.
[Solo 8]
"I believe, however, that her story has now reached at least in Switzerland to an endpoint."
[Reprise 9]
The hard evidence of today are the big mistakes of tomorrow, that had to learn a Francis Fukuyama when he in 1992 after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union the "end of history" announced.
other hand, we have transitory improvisers no sufficient reason, we canonize himself. Parochialism, Gartehäglidenken, blinkers, blinkered, intolerance and food envy come from us before, as with other professional groups, managers as well as with the farmers. Dada and we are more culturally as an agricultural business, we are not entitled to subsidies, and certainly not automatic. A decent-marginal slope allowance per small-(Solo) and large animal unit (ensemble) did not though and would be good for our country Heidi - after all we are Sound landscape gardener with a difference, unpaid, and perhaps priceless nature and may soon include a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
[Reprise 3]
But claims to derive from the fact that we do what we can not, that's us - have been driven thoroughly - in contrast to our rural colleagues. A social need is not simple. Or is the departmental tasks so very thought that the farmers take care of the humus and we look to the Posthumus?
Thanks to the dissonance we are in Hades but nevertheless gained another steaming pile of dung dissonant. Even in hell in Dante hats significantly more drive, power and action as the blessed paradise, and Goethe's Dr. Faust is a heavenly length by comparison to the snappy very clever, but funny fegefeurigen Mephisto.
We are neither in school nor intended as emergency supplies canon. The minimum subsistence of a civilized society, we are but still, just because we make are not luxuries but basic mental research, and this thriving now and again a few vital staple food, peppered as rich with so-called dissociation-like consonance. Switzerland as a thriving landscape of sound - an obituary? Rather a lively utopia in the here and now, at the same time nowhere and this is why now and here.

John Wolf Brennan, Komprovisator, co-founder of some
Working Bands
(Pago Libre, Momentum, triangulation)


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