Saturday, October 2, 2010

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Freie Improvisation In meinem Leben heute
als Musiker ist die Beschäftigung mit freier Improvisation
absolut zentral geworden. Warum ist das so? Als

klassisch ausgebildet Violinist bin ich erstmal vor 4 Jahren (2006) im Rahmen
of Pflichtfachunterrichts an der Hochschule of Music in Basel came across this
way of making music. As an interested, critical musicians and
contemporary I have after some initial skepticism, the benefits of this
making music appreciate more and more learned, and finally graduated in Europe
(unfortunately) unique Master's program, which has Walter Ensign
built in the most meritorious manner for years . But
What are the advantages I mentioned? I will mention the most important
- what making music is such a radical way, by listening?
- Where else but in the free improvisation, a musician in
this pure form with the original questions musical Action to deal?

- Where else is this incredible freedom of
self-determination, this open space in which anything seems possible? After
have improvisation concerts I ever again have the opportunity to lead with
audiences with highly interesting and stimulating discussions.
The often passionate responses (not only for specialists) show me that
free improvisation arrives and gives the audience the most interesting (hearing) encouragement.
Free Improvisation believe to be reduced to material for questions I missed.
is of course the sound research is an important aspect in the work
an improviser. For much more important I think, however, as finally
is handled with the material. By the fundamental and continuous
research, this type of music making on the one hand and allows
forces on the other hand again, is not possible at a standstill. Each
improviser has its own biography, an independent
is personality. Hence the use of the material, the view,
will always be totally subjective and new.

Langenthal, 1 October 2010
Andreas Kunz,
violinist, Specialised Master of Music Performance in Free Improvisation


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