Thursday, October 7, 2010

Notches In A Balsa Wood Bridge


Dear Thomas

First I would like to thank you for what you have done for years for us improvisers and for the improvisation scene in general good and useful. Did you always used to us and in various media of improvisation, where a forum. Your great achievements in this regard have been very valuable and absolutely undisputed.

with dissonance in your article did you now but as far as leaning out the window, that you are crashed. The article is so full of factual errors, fundamental misunderstandings and lack of information, I really did not want to dwell on that.
Now that I have but I read also your reply to the reactions of my improvisation colleagues, and my annoyance then rather have increased, I can not help but, reluctantly, to bite the spring to very briefly two things clear:

first Improvised music is dazzling. She is thoroughly healthy, vital, bursting with energy and is in all corners of movement. It is a pleasure to see how the improvisation becomes more and more territory and increasingly and unmistakably sets the scene. This refreshing and at the same deep insights into the fundamental processes of music-emergence of enabling Musizierform is widely estimated at more seriously and cared for.
This also applies to mediation by the universities (at the Music Academy of Basel there since 2003, even a master's degree with studies major free improvisation), and it also applies to the reflection of the improvisation (the Amadeus-Verlag, between 1992 and 2007, six volumes (Improvisation I - VI) with a total of 70 contributions by various authors published on the subject).

second The article says in dissonance indeed negligible role in the situation of improvisation, but much of the state in which there is reporting it. Unfortunately, he is typical of the way as this is the pigeonholing eluding making music appears from the outside and the inadequate level is the most reported. In view of this we must be happy that the work of our artists with the clueless comments of outsiders has nothing to do.

Dear fellow musicians, let us continue to make music from the inside and reflect on our work as before. Let us not confuse failed journalistic statements and we hold ourselves to the famous motto:
Reporting on improvising musician has to practice mostly the same as an ornithological treatise on the love life of Birds.

With still warm regards, Yours, Walter


Brissago, 6 October 2010

PS What an idiot you have actually forced this title?


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