Sunday, October 17, 2010

Ground Blindmakingjute


For me, this story is not only improvised music.

What bothers these days, I think, is the unspeakable, the unmeasurable, the innetiquetable, the subjective, the unrestrained, non-profitable.

There are people out there who spend most of their time in offices, sifting through records, with a very comfortable salary - without even bothering to actually study their subjects (just read the The article by Mr. Meyer for yourself) - which are supposed to work for culture. Serve culture.

I like the word culture. And if someone, either an individual or an institution decides to deal with culture, it had better be a gardener.
With humility and patience that entails.
it watering the garden, he takes care that is diversified, there ale loam, cycles, fallow, ashes, rot itself - which also usually grow the pretty roses. A perennial crop, requires a rich diversity of the corners of shadow and light.

Today, we want the effective, the cost of the exporter, the identity! (I do not think decide its identity, I think we can only observe it, pay it, and possibly cultivate ...)

Look out there, go walking in the nearby mountains, you see these areas of forests planted Norway spruce, which grow fast, straight, and make beautiful boards (just strong enough for a coffin cheap) and it is true, the grower is big - in the short term.
Go ahead and see that nothing grows in the undergrowth, most ferns, more foam, more animals ... straight trunks with their head held upright who seek the light-up. I feel
it is there. Watered which relates, that shines with all the risks of mono-culture: the land weakens and dies suddenly guardian, by wanting control, wanting success and money, and fast .

Improvised music (not only) is probably one of those areas of control, an area of relief, contradictions, such as slowness of dazzling, sometimes wandering, but an area essential to the soil at the entire garden. But this very frightening our bureaucrats, and I fear that ignorance of basic gardening - I hope it's not a deliberate obscurantism - Of our beloved politico-cultural and "journalists" in their pay, do send us all straight into the wall.

Michel Wintsch


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