Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Crazy Print Running Tights


would be the first time how much expertise one needs to make such a big question. The question that follows on the foot, would be that of whether the big question has not already done himself, even dead, or how many times you have to actually explain the Jazz left for dead, the rock roll, the art itself, how many times you have to with pathos in the chest exclaim that this or that is no longer alive, has no more substance out sucks, written to an end-blown entirely of trivial importance? Bird lives! Anybody who asks totalitarian sets itself to the suspicion that it is about his vitality, his vital participation in the events order is not ordered around the best, who asked so cocky, must perceive that the suspect, whom he pronounces, is aimed at him yourself ...

Of course, ask Thomas Meyer, for good questions are more commonly enrichment of culture. But who is bad or wrong questions, no need to wait for an answer. Questions about the deadness of this or that style is obsolete, being old and boring. Music, art, expression is there, alive, where real people deal with your time, your life and your art. Anyone for a lifetime looking for answers to difficult questions being alive as an artist and meaningful. I do not ask why, or does the free, making the bebop, Impressionist she is, I wonder how strong is the relevance of his statement for my time and beyond for all eternity (Amen). Long live rock roll! And for one can come along (or a) and that its tools have brought wherever he wants, because where there are no authoritative styles, no more uniform vanguard more (once militant avant-garde), and living the art in the various contexts, in the concentrations of the possessed, happy coincidences of moments of disparate and overlapping, once irreconcilable, no art form can pay alimony for eternity itself, but always come back boy, new, naturally with the same issues as the elderly, then the answers are already there to mix a new color, a new shine. Long live Satchmo. More free music can not rock and roll, but not the literature or the opera. We live in an age in which all the experiments were made --- let's do it!


Johann Sebastian lives! Something else worries me far more than Thomas Meyer's article: A specter is haunting Europe, since the 60's, then heard it yet on the name of free jazz. If today there is only need these (relatively harmless) article to mobilize against, and the resentful as they have been waiting for this favorable moment, call: Down with the Free Music, then reminded me of a the Kleinmutgeist that I believed to be overcome in this country now. If institutions that promote the arts, make withdrawals and now people who write in public, this way (which?) Niederkläffen of music, then ashamed and upset me because this
(Elvis lives!): Improvisation is the beginning and the end of all music, who has already composed, without try and herumzutüfteln, who has been playing really, without knowing the joy that grants one of the open space between two shades of flexible, were listed this or the wind brought thither, and had the grades even 1/32tel apart? --- Long live Albert Ayler!


I always wanted to play what's inside of me and what came across the air, Whether you may give it a name or not.

Omri Ziegele, in October 2010


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