Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Marshmallow Cannon Toronto

Cacti outdoor bed

needed after the long winter Außenbeet a lot of care. Unfortunately, last winter, many plants have been received. First, were probably the dominant over a relatively long period niedirgen temperatures to blame for the failure. And second, perhaps a number of plants have been adopted not as cold resistant as I am. However, I have the bed slightly revised. I think the easy-to few larger stones were available to donate to the plant protection and warmth. In particular, many free-standing plants have not survived. Dagen are almost all plants vital to have a wall or a large stone near them. I have therefore added to the 20 major pieces of the border. Thus, many new opportunities have shown to be particularly cacti grow to a better place to offer. Of course wurden auch die durch neue Pflanzen Ausfälle ersetzt. Dazu muss ich sagen das ich vornehmlich Echinoceren eingepflanzt habe. Es wird sich wie sich die Zeiger Pflanzen in Nächste Zeit entwickeln. Anbei Werde ich noch ein paar Photos record, Damita man eine Vorstellung von den Veränderung hat.

After the long winter need my rock garden with great care. I died too many plants last winter. I think that it was only this low temprature that stays over long hours and the second was that I thought that some plants were more winter hardy. But they were not. I have revamped the way the party a bit. I think that where fine for the little rocks in the border. And they're vigtik because they hold heat and give plants protection eg against too much wind. I also erkännde that the plants will feel a lot better standing next to a stone or a wall. So I have added about 20 large stones for the discount. There is now a very good moldy units to plant cacti better especially in the border. Naturletvis I bought also some new plants and planted in the flowerbed. There is particular Echinocereus. It will show how they develop in next time. I'll post some pictures that you can see how the discount looks now.

My cacti rock bed needs a lot of care after this long winter. Unfortunately a lot of plants died last winter. I think that on the one hand the low temperatures which stayed for a long period caused the loss. And on the other hand thought I that some plants were more forst-tolerant, but they weren't and so they died too. So I reworked my bed a little. First of all I added about 20 bigger stones to the bed, because I think that they are quite important. They store the warmth of the day and also give protection to the plants. These thoughts came me as I realized that a lot of thoese plants died, which stood not nearby a stone or a wall. So these new stone give a lot of new opportunities to give especialy cacti a good spot in the bed. And of course did I  replace the loss with new plants. I bought mostly hardy Echinocereus and planted them in the bed. So the future will tell how well these plants will grow here. But I also will post some pictures as you can see how the bed now looks like.

Magnus, det är din Opuntian!

I hope you enjoyed! Immanuel, o)


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