Sunday, April 25, 2010

Good Shoes For Plantar Fasciitis

C & S Spring Awakening show in Zwickau

This weekend it was time again. The OG Zwickau held its annual cactus show with sales on the mountain wind in Zwickau. It was like every year, once again, to see beautiful plants. And also a collector could beat up for sale at the plant. Now I nöchte you but still shows some impressions of the day. Have fun =)

fans Denna helg i Zwickau (min hemstad) och en cactus succulent show & sales. Where fans very nice plants no ledlamöter of Zwickauer cactus club have tag along to the show to the visitors. You could also buy very nice plants. But now I'll show you some impresioner of today. Enjoy =)

This weekend the Cactus Society of Zwickau (my hometown) solid ITS annual C & S show and sale. The members Brought a lot of nice and outstanding plants with Them to show the visitors. And at the sale one cannabis finde a lot of nice and fair priced plants to buy. But now I Will show you sometime impressions of today. Enjoy =)

For Our non Germantown speaking friends, the sign says "the mother in law seat" aka Echinocactus grusonii

a very nice and big Aztekium hintonii on its own roots!!!

a very beautiful colored Neoporteria (?)

a very old flowering cristata of Mammillaria hahniana

one of my favorites Aporocactus flagelliformis with a bunch of flowers!!!

I love that orange flowers of Rebutia flavistyla

a old and nice specimen of the nude form of Astrophytum myriostigma var. tricostata

nice flower: Gymnocalycium bruchii

one of the biggest flowers: Disocactus (Thanks Magnus ;o)

Thats all folks! Hope you enjoyed, see you Immanuel =)


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