Friday, March 19, 2010

Harley Snowmobile Collection


(c) Birgit Annette Scholz 2010

Half of Lent is over - the snow-flats melted, the windows flashing in the sun, the winter dirt the home and the garden is still eliminated -. the outer habitat explains, at least, life lived without the bloat completely different. Lighter, cleaner, more refreshed.
looks like my inner pronounce differently, namely
LISTEN TO : This week, I snapped at an event for women on something that makes me food for thought. If I give the order to stop such a habit that I do not do well, the failure is often inevitable already. The habit covers a need which lies dormant in me, but not perceived is. But I can LISTEN TO as my stomach, my heart, God's voice speaking to me. Then things start to look like quite different - as I listen into me, I listen to what really is (my need) - and I can stop getting better. Simply brilliant - brilliantly simple, or
Good luck LISTEN TO ...? the inner voice!


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