Thursday, March 11, 2010

Corns And Pointe Shoes

Remember the future

06:03:10 Saturday, 20:00 clock the AND platform in Karlsruhe is a landmark production platform for young contemporary art. As with the selection of a globally connected "off" scene "one can present previously concluded by other exhibitions hardly unrecognized branch of artistic production that is offered to the private art lovers and artists, art educators, curators, gallery owners and collectors the opportunity to establish new contacts to nor to establish new territory.
20:00 - Kerstin Siech, performance art with latex being

20:00 - The Wind Choppers


20:30 - The Floor -
Andreas Prantner - Electronics,
Mr. Jost Schneider - guitar, bass, vocals,

Mr. Richard Ess - percussion, noises, voice
21:30 - cc * oo (cécile anne noel / orest Skakun)
- French pop / Acoustic / Electro Acoustic / ccetoo

23:00 - Fire On Dawson

0:00 - The Better Minus - Kraut Punk (feat. Tillmister)

( / dasbessereminus)

1:00 - DJ


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