Monday, March 29, 2010

Quantum Meucci Pool Cue

gymnastics ... amazing what the trigger!

"The better minus" live in Karlsruhe and # 5 March 6, 2010

The better minus
" One should not underestimate the ingenuity of the Karlsruhe!
Not only is the forerunner of the bicycle, the trolley and the car was invented here and recently the first working invisibility cloak, no, also in terms of (sub) culture is often given here, which later boast other. To name just a few examples: the elderly in the hackery celebrated "Top or Flop Evening" is now being imitated in Stuttgart and although the Umsynchronisieren of movies and TV shows nothing New is our Ze Synchronizers are but nationwide the first to make it live and spontaneous, and you also remember that years before the cinematic superhero wave-established comic book characters like Spider-Man and the X-Men into the popcorn movies, brought the Karlsruher superhero Dangerman already in two furious no-budget films on crime and fighting adversity.

And now come two bands from the region, with a self-invented genre, the so-called "Madhouse", on 14.05. first in Crazy Kong will create a buzz:
The better minus the septet to Till Geiger, already for the memorable concert highlight this year and is responsible and with established musicians from the improv scene, such as Bernd Rastetter, Jürgen Grassl and rue-occupied designated, and the trio of soil in which to Jost Schneider, Ritchie Stravinski and Andreas Prantner also no blank leaves of the local music scene are represented.
Madhouse is, according to the musician a modern, electronic-based, experimental and weird variation on the psychedelic, which is largely based on improvisation and hypnotic rhythms, which can be quite danceable Madhouse, meditative or atonal.

This was not invented the wheel, but taking the example of punk, rock music back to earth claimed that the unorthodox occupied Madhouse groups celebrate a refreshing and contemporary return to the days of Krautrock, without ignoring the present and the future do.
Welcome to the Madhouse
The better minus / Soil
Friday, 05.14., 20 clock

Crazy Kong
Liststr. 24, Karlsruhe

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Old Polly Pocket Games And Barbie

Madhouse in Crazy Kong

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Best Mac Slideshow Program

First flower of this season!

Die erste Blut dieses Jahres! Nichts wirklich spectacular, dennoch der Frühling ist nun Endlich auch in Deutschland auf dem Vormarsch!
first flower this year! Nonting spectacular, but at last spring will also communicated to Germany!

The first flower of this season! Nothing spectacular, But running speed / Well "also come to Germany!

Mammillaria ernestii

Friday, March 19, 2010

Harley Snowmobile Collection


(c) Birgit Annette Scholz 2010

Half of Lent is over - the snow-flats melted, the windows flashing in the sun, the winter dirt the home and the garden is still eliminated -. the outer habitat explains, at least, life lived without the bloat completely different. Lighter, cleaner, more refreshed.
looks like my inner pronounce differently, namely
LISTEN TO : This week, I snapped at an event for women on something that makes me food for thought. If I give the order to stop such a habit that I do not do well, the failure is often inevitable already. The habit covers a need which lies dormant in me, but not perceived is. But I can LISTEN TO as my stomach, my heart, God's voice speaking to me. Then things start to look like quite different - as I listen into me, I listen to what really is (my need) - and I can stop getting better. Simply brilliant - brilliantly simple, or
Good luck LISTEN TO ...? the inner voice!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Corns And Pointe Shoes

Remember the future

06:03:10 Saturday, 20:00 clock
the AND platform in Karlsruhe is a landmark production platform for young contemporary art. As with the selection of a globally connected "off" scene "one can present previously concluded by other exhibitions hardly unrecognized branch of artistic production that is offered to the private art lovers and artists, art educators, curators, gallery owners and collectors the opportunity to establish new contacts to nor to establish new territory.
20:00 - Kerstin Siech, performance art with latex being

20:00 - The Wind Choppers


20:30 - The Floor -
Andreas Prantner - Electronics,
Mr. Jost Schneider - guitar, bass, vocals,

Mr. Richard Ess - percussion, noises, voice
21:30 - cc * oo (cécile anne noel / orest Skakun)
- French pop / Acoustic / Electro Acoustic / ccetoo

23:00 - Fire On Dawson

0:00 - The Better Minus - Kraut Punk (feat. Tillmister)

( / dasbessereminus)

1:00 - DJ

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wm Rogers & Sons Silverware

Botanical Garden Munich

I am currently in Munich to pick out things for my master's thesis in the archive, it was clear that I also visit the Botanical Garden would saturation of. This I have now done last Sunday. I was really surprised how many people were there on Sunday (Vorallem viele Familien!). Law Wohl than those Schönen Wetter! Auf jeden Fall Will ich euch ein paar Eindrücke nicht vorenthalten.

In the current situation I am in Munich to go to the archives. I am looking for some things for my exsamensarbetet. But it was obvious that I also greet the Botanical Gardens. There I went last Sunday. And I was surprised how many people were there last Sunday (above all very families!). It may well be that the cause was nice weather! In any case, you shall see something more in the pictures.

At the moment I'm in Munich to do someting research into the archive for my final paper. But I also decided to visit the Botanical Garden. So I went to visit it last Sunday. I was a little bit surprised that so many other people went to the garden as well (mostly familys!). I think the good weather was the reason!? But I don't want to keep back some impresions. 

Enjoy, Immanuel 

Friday, March 5, 2010

Does Costco Have Makeup Brushes This Year Still?

and # 5 - Music Event