Thursday, September 30, 2010

Famous Zopiclone Overdose


Perhaps that is now totally out of place, just because I have just noticed that has changed with me. Something is still exactly the same as when I was a child!

I saw at night from my Kinderbettli only the lighted key hole, nothing but blackness. The promising light of the other world, then the adult world, or most of my parents, lay behind the keyhole. My longing for the light was great and so persistent that I fixed point of light suddenly for unknown reasons was no longer there. I discovered that once I fixed that point of light, it disappeared immediately. With an effort I stared at this keyhole. But there was nothing! Only blackness! As soon as I let my eyes wander a bit, however, the light began to shine again just wide. But maybe this has nothing to do with music? Later I was

but especially "look near miss" Finally, thanks to this musician. I improvise a lot. Actually, I can hardly something different. Of course, I belong to the ancients, but now I realized that there are some young musicians who look just wide. Now I do have the suspicion that this could have anything to do with music. After initial doubts, I will now go on the more confident.

Thanks for the inspiring messages, and that you have thought of me and I am very specifically that we are still alive.


just wide
Martin Hägler


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