Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jack Astor's Lobster And Crab Dip


(c) Birgit Annette Scholz 2010

These modern slaves are not driven with the whip, but with
calendars. Telly Savalas

Let the post-modern version of the whip but now we just ignore and walk around a bit through the summer. Let's enjoy the sun rising in the morning by getting up with the birds and make us one with nature. Let's dream a bit further and prepare us as curious as a child on the events of the day before. we live TODAY. because yesterday is over - and this morning, his new assignment!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tow Truck Christmas Screen Savers


There are people who
which seem to us like precious stones. Not
that unlike other human beings
shine on its own
or divine light might bring, but they
reflect and develop the light received
so colorful and bright,
that one involuntarily after of the Light Source look around.

* Hans-Joachim Eckstein *

Monday, July 12, 2010

Milk Coming From Nipples Of Women


(c) Birgit Annette Scholz 2010

It is a tree in Deppendorf , where the cherries in red grapes to the ground. I lie in the shade of the canopy and let me drop the plump fruit into my open mouth. I spit like a fountain, the cherry stones in the clear sky. A crow in the vicinity defended their Lufthohheitsraum with regular croaking, for there is still sitting someone in the branches of the tree which actually does not belong there.
Warm sun rays are collected on my skin and wrap me like a full body hot water bottle.
The sky stretches infinitely high and far from horizon to horizon. Wide sand banks from wave clouds form small islands and invite a refreshing dream bathroom. Bare feet are scrubbed in the bath at night and in the twilight before the seal I control, as it was then a teenager, the browning my skin, the sun has left today's diet.
It's summer - that's the feeling of summer!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Olive Oil Hair Clippers

delicious lunch complacent?

Smokes the head and explodes the keyboard, because creativity is a runaway, the stomach growls around noon while unmistakably, the fridge yawns but of emptiness - then, yes, exactly then a jump to help in your car or's bike . A little ride in the Bielefeld East brings distraction and supplies for the stomach in the form of a healthy, tasty lunch. Kieselbach woman cooks with love - and delicious!

Christian Kieselbach, together with his wife and a small core of committed employees butcher Berhard , recently by the prestigious journal "The Gourmet" has been named one of the 400 best butchers in Germany. Good for you! And you can taste it.
It is this diet has a regular spot on our bulletin board in the kitchen. In keeping with my motto "Nothing is so good that it could not improve a bit," I sat down and hastily turn created a new layout. For excellent products even more convincing because of the concise presentation. Since Mr. Kieselbach was all in my opinion.

My advice: If you are close - but just look over at the Kieselbach And if it's just lunch time - saving you from cooking and enjoy the free time. fon 0521 32 10 76