Thursday, May 6, 2010

Residential Trash Cans


(c) Birgit Annette Scholz
What is luxury?

Last week I received a letter from a loved one who sent me a remarkable essay by Hans Magnus Enzensberger
The TIME Luxury lives that can have its own time and not entangled in a thousand un dependencies is enslaved (see my entry on 'fast').
The ATTENTION The fight for attention is getting harder. Luxurious lives, the self-determined is to whom he pays attention and otherwise can escape the constant barrage of advertising.

The SPACE luxurious lives that can move. This includes the Mamma Mia, rooms to be as empty as possible and free of clutter and knick-knacks.

The REST Luxurious lives, can escape the noise of everyday life and the media. This includes the "luck of the inaccessibility.
The life of a healthy environment with clean water and clean air should be a given, but the increasingly scarce resource.
SECURITY Who feels safe without being constantly surrounded by bodyguard, fences and alarm systems, lives luxuriously.

This version is not much to add. LUXURY is to be allowed to watch the flowers grow.

live luxuriously How you been?


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