Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sanyo Eneloop Charger Walmart


This quote by Wilhelm Raabe gave me my first Teacher, "Miss Becker," I have much admired, written anno 1972 in my autograph book. This album is still in existence - and the saying is more relevant than ever. HUMOR is the spice of life, who has HUMOR takes not take itself too seriously and even, in not so fast when life nasty events rinsed in local shores. A humorous Remark in the right moment helps break the ice
I imagine once the bag of HUMOR on my desk next to the phone -. And on the kitchen table, where there are sometimes heated debates :-) ... ..
Helps determined to bet?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Three Year Old Has Cold Sore On Lip


(c) Birgit Annette Scholz 2010

"I've been to Hollywood, I've been to Redwood, I'd cross the ocean for a heart of gold . I've been in my mind, it's such a fine line, that keeps me searchin 'for a heart of gold - and I'm gettin'. Old "

This line from the well-known ballad of the legendary folk-rock star Neil Young describes in impressive - probably the kind of wistful central search in the life of every human creature. Since then we have begun to think we make to us to find this heart of gold, the epitome of the search for the answer to the question of life after the universe and everything. We cut across cities, countries, oceans. We take in our lives the most daring effort for us to answer this question of the meaning of our existence. has planted because we are born with a deep, strong, painful longing in our hearts that God our Creator "as a small piece of" eternity in us. Simultaneously, and paradoxically we are trying to avoid answering this central question. Read more ....